Monday, September 9, 2013

Gallbladder surgery- who are candidate for this?

      Gallbladder is only about 3 to 4 inches organ that is connected to the liver via the hepatic duct. Its main function is to store bile for the liver and transport it to small intestine whenever needed.The bile that stores in the gallbladder help in the emulsification of fats and at the same time acts as antioxidant that helps remove toxins from the liver.

      There are times that bile fluid inside the gallbladder become crystallize and harden which will the form a stones or known as gallstones. There are two types of gallstones:

 1. Pigment stones- These are kind of stones that smaller and darker because they contain bilirubin.

2. Cholesterol stones- Yellow-green in color, 80% of the content of stones are usually cholesterol.

Some of the risk factors of having gallstones are listed below:

- Obesity



-Cholesterol Drugs


- Rapid weight loss

Cholecystectomy is a surgical removal of the gallbladder. Patient who are indicated to undergo this procedure are those who had:

1. Symptomatic gallstones disease

2. Gallbladder cancer

3. Biliary tract cancer

      If you are diagnosed of having gallstones and may put your life at stake, better to undergo the procedure because late treatment could bring your life in danger. If you want to know more about this procedure, just click gallstones.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Herbs help a lot on digestion process

      Digestion process is a complicated activity that our digestive system perform everyday. Digestive system starts from our mouth and ends into our anus. The common problem in this system is indigestion, it is a feeling of being full, gassy and an acidic stomach.

      Herbal remedies really helps relieves digestive problems because they stimulate digestion, relax our system, expel  gas and helps soothe the inflammation and pain in our system.

      Herbs that helps in digestion process has specific category:

1. Laxatives- It helps aid in bowel evacuation and defecation. Some of its example are                                        dandelion and rhubarb root.

2. Anti-emetic- It helps avoid vomiting (Lavender and Peach leaves).

3. Anti-Spasmodic- It minimizes or totally relieves from cramps (Eucalyptus and Chamomille).

4. Carminative- Helps in smooth movement in our digestive system, reduces cramps (Aniseed                              and Cinnamon).

5. Hepatic- Stimulate the bile secretion from liver. Enhances the digestion and bowel                                      elimination (Wild yam and Black root)

      Imbalanced digestion could lead to nutrition deficiency and immune system dysfunction. If you want to get a good digestion, then choose to include herb in your nutritional list because according to the above discussion, it is very beneficial to us.

Monday, September 2, 2013


      Obesity define as having a weight higher from the usual and actual weight that our body required. Your height and age are some of the things that needs to consider too. Having enough discipline in ourselves will decrease our risk in having obese body.

      Some of the things that lead to obesity are:

  • Too much of caloric intake
  • Living a sedentary lifestyle
  • No control in eating
  • Genes
  • Environment
  • Social factors (having obese friends)
  • Emotional aspect 

      Obesity is really a danger in our health since they also might be the leading cause to acquire more serious problem. Some of the serious health problem that we can get are:

  • Breathing problem (e.g. sleep apnea, COPD )
  •  Diabetes
  •  Coronart artery disease 
  •  Depression
  •  Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  •  Osteoarthritis
  •  High blood pressure
  •  Stroke

      You can avoid being obese if you will only live a healthy life style. Regular exercise and eating healthy foods are the main key of it. If you want to know more of the danger of obesity you can also read some of it in here. Just select the word Danger of Obesity.