There are times that bile fluid inside the gallbladder become crystallize and harden which will the form a stones or known as gallstones. There are two types of gallstones:
1. Pigment stones- These are kind of stones that smaller and darker because they contain bilirubin.
2. Cholesterol stones- Yellow-green in color, 80% of the content of stones are usually cholesterol.
Some of the risk factors of having gallstones are listed below:
- Obesity
-Cholesterol Drugs
- Rapid weight loss
Cholecystectomy is a surgical removal of the gallbladder. Patient who are indicated to undergo this procedure are those who had:
1. Symptomatic gallstones disease
2. Gallbladder cancer
3. Biliary tract cancer
If you are diagnosed of having gallstones and may put your life at stake, better to undergo the procedure because late treatment could bring your life in danger. If you want to know more about this procedure, just click gallstones.
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