Sleep is a very important activity and a recurring state that a person like to do. Did you know that sleep blocks the activity of our sensory system? What happen when we sleep? Sleep is very essential to maintain our healthy body on tone. It conserves our energy and prepared our body for the next day's activity.
Sleep are divided in two category: Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) and Rapid Eye Movement. And each category has their own physiological and neurological features.
1. Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) has three stages:
a. NREM stage 1- Sleep and wakefulness stage. A person's muscle are active, his eyes roll slowly and moderately close and open.
b. NREM stage 2- In this stage the person are difficult to awaken.
c. NREM stage 3- The sleeper become less responsive to the surrounding environment.
2. Rapid-Eye Movement (REM)- In this division, sleeper's muscles are paralyzed. This stage also called parodoxical sleep because the sleeper is harder to awaken compare to any other stage. A normal adult reaches REM for about every 90 minutes.
Sleeping is very important because our body helps repair damage cells during this stage. When you have problem regarding your sleeping condition, it is a wise idea to consult your physician and ask for some medical advice.
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