Kidney is a very important organ that helps to maintain the healthiness inside our body. They function such things as:
- Removing excess water from our body to function properly or retaining water if our body needs more.
- It is the one who removes waste such as minerals or electrolytes by means of urine.
- Help regulating the minerals which responsible in bone formation e.g. calcium and phosphates.
- Creatinine is a dangerous waste that the kidney also removes from our body.
- It controls blood pressure.

If we only just take care of our kidney, then for sure our life will be extended. There are many people who suffer from end-stage renal failure even in young age because they just taken for granted the points that should bear in their mind to preserve their kidneys. Take a note of some reason for having kidney problems:
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Urinary tract infection
- Drinking alcohol/acidic beverages
- Holding your urge to urinate
- Taking drugs and toxins
If you reach in having end-stage renal failure because you continued with your unhealthy lifestyle, the only option left for you are lifetime dialysis or kidney transplant. But there are instances that you need also to undergo dialysis even if your kidney transplant is successful. Below are the criteria in kidney transplantation:
- You need to have a living donor before doing a kidney transplantation and dialysis. Your donor doesn't necessarily related to you.
- If the suspected donor really want to donate kidney to you, the evaluation team will assess his/her condition to know if donating kidney will not affect their long term health.
- The evaluation team will also assess you if your body can handle such operation.
- The age of the recipient must consider. One study shows that the successful kidney transplant our of those patient who are 70 years old below compare to people who aged 70 years old above.
- Financial status is also considered because procedure like this costs a lot of money plus the post-surgery care.
- Not all state are doing this procedure, so transportation and accommodation to another place are one point to consider also.
- After some of the criteria above, the doctor will now order to undergo laboratory test of the recipient know the compatibility of the kidney needed and the body.
- Then if kidney is now available, it must first check if it is healthy and compatible with the recipient blood and body profiles.
Undergoing kidney transplantation is a hassle thing to do because aside from its costs, it is also a life threatening operation. Take care of your kidney if you don't want kidney transplantation.
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