Acne or in medical term they called it acne vulgaris, is a type of skin disease that invloves the oil glands at the base of the hair follicles. It usually occur during puberty period and it is one of the problem that teenager are facing during puberty period.
1. Heredity- If your parents encountered before acne in their puberty years, then there are great possibility that you can also inherit of having acne.
2. Foods- The kinds of food we take in are also one factor that could trigger in having acne. It is thought that greasy/oily foods could cause acne but that study are still ongoing. So for now, we just need to select only foods that are healthy so that our body's overall function are in tune.
3. Stress- Though it is not directly one of the main cause of having acne, somehow stress could contribute in getting acne.
4. Medications- Anticonvulsant medication also contribute to acne formation (e.g. Eskalith, Lithobid) and many more over-the-counter drugs.
5. Jobs- Acne may also arise if you're working and expose in an industrial area.
6. Cosmetics- There are type of skin in the face that are not compatible with make-up so better be careful in choosing cosmetics. To be safe, choose that branded one.
Tips to treat acne even when you're just at home:
1. Wash your face properly two time a day with 5% benzoyl peroxide. But if don't have that kind of solution, you can use 2% salicylic acid.
2. Avoid eating food high in oil content.
3. Use a water-based make-up.
4. When going to bed, apply a cream containing sulfur in the affected area.
5. Avoid taking medication, if not emergency, consult your physician first in using certain medication.
Taking care of our face is a great reward we can give to ourselves, so always be careful in our behavior.
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