Friday, July 18, 2014

Want to be healthy?

Being healthy is something that is up to you!

Want to keep healthy lifestyle? Keep things simple! Do not eat processed food, don't drink sweet beverages. Eat and cook plain food and drink water :)

Your exercises doesn't have to be fancy as well. You don't need personal trainer to show you complicated things.Start with walking, than joggins and streaching. That should be more than enough for w good start!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Learn more by reading medical articles

It's important to know a lot about healthy lifestyle and reading medical articles can help you do that
Being healthy is important for us all. We all want to be healthy and happy. Knowledge plays important matter here - the more we know about our bodies, the more aware we become.
Online medical articles can your first place of obtaining knowledge. Read and share your knowledge with your family and friends.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Diarrhea- know and prevent it.

     Diarrhea is one of the gastrointestinal problem that includes of passing frequent and watery-stool. Diarrhea comes from the greek word dia means "flow" and rrhoie mean "through". The words "flow through" came from hippocrates.

     People who had diarrhea usually suffer fever and stomach-ache (abdominal cramps). A bacterium most known from its name E.coli is responsible for the diarrhea experienced by children and young child.  

Signs and Symptoms of having diarrhea:

- Abdominal ache
- Headache
- Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Bloating
- Blood in stool
- Body weakness


1. Bacteria- Intaking food that are contaminated with bacteria (e.g. campylobacter, salmonella, shigella and Escherichia coli (E. coli)).

2. Virus- Norovirus and Rotavirus are the common virus which causes diarrhea to happen. 

3. Antibiotic- Taking in antibiotics that could disturb the balance of bacteria in our intestine could also lead to diarrhea. It could also cause infection in out GI tract.


1. Drink plenty of water- Diarrhea may lead to dehydration especially if you also manifest  vomiting. So it is very important to replace the fluid that being loss in our body. You can also ask in a pharmacy some drinks that contain electrolytes.

2. Eat much food if you can- Previous practices advice patient not to eat unless symptoms disappears. But today, you are encourage to eat food to regain your strength and also to replace some body salts that being loss. Eat food that are high in carbohydrates and salts; avoid fats. 

3. Medications- Loperamide could help slow down GI abnormal movement. Don't take anti-diarrheal medication without consultion first to your doctor especially if blood is present in your stool.

Prevention is still the most important. Don't let you health be compromised.

a. Handwashing- Proper hand washing is very important especially after using the toilet, before and after eating.Do hand washing using soap and running water. 

b. When handling raw foods, wash hands after because you might contaminate other food material.

c. If you happen to travel in some place, avoid eating foods that are not well cook. Better choose foods that are sealed in pack.

Prevent Premature Ejaculation!

     Premature ejaculation (PE) is simply means as coming too quickly. According to a study, it accounts for about 25 to 40% of men in USA are affected with this problem. Some men consider it to be so embarrassing to their partner. The average lasting moment of men with PE is 1.8 minutes while the normal men lasted for 7 to 8 minutes.

     Some doctors include the classification of premature ejaculation to maybe in lifelong (primary) or acquired (secondary) situation.


Below are the list of risk factor that greatly contribute of having premature ejaculation:

1. Erectile Dysfunction- Having the feeling of fear of losing an erection may result to consciously or unconsciously hurry through sexual encounters.

2. Stress- If you are bothered emotionally and mentally then it is greatly problem in having enough concentration during sex and may lead to premature ejaculation.

3. Medical problem- If you have health problem, for example heart problem, you feel anxious during sex and may rush you to have ejaculation.

4. Medications- Psychotropics medication influence the role of the chemical messenger in the brain that stimulate premature ejaculation.

     I'm sure many men really like to cure their problem like this one. So I will discuss some treatment or activity that could help you guys prevent premature ejaculation.

     Squeeze Therapy: Follow the steps below

1. Start sexual intercourse and stimulation of your penis until it reach the time that you want to ejaculate.

2. Let your partner squeeze the head or the glans of your penis for several seconds, let the feeling of ejaculation passes.

3. After squeezing the glans for several seconds, wait another 30 seconds and start again the foreplay. You can notice that your penis becomes less erect, and when you and your partner resume the stimulation,  it will again erect immediately. 

4. If you feel again to ejaculate, let your partner repeat the squeezing technique to control the premature ejaculation.

     This technique if become a habit will help you to know how to delay ejaculation and can decrease the anxiety and problem between with you and your partner. 


Antidepressant- One side effect of this kind of drug will help you delay your organism. That's why your doctor recommend you to take this if you have premature ejaculation problem. Consult your doctor to know if you are fit to take like this medication.

Baldness? Why mostly in men?

     Baldness or in medical term known as alopecia is a condition in which hair loss in the scalp. Some says that baldness is a disease but did you know that baldness also brought about aging? Yes, it is true aging can also contribute in having hair loss.

   There are many contributing factor or causes of baldness. Maybe due to fungal infection, compulsive pulling, medical treatment (chemotherapy/ radiotherapy) and even nutritional deficiencies. Signs and symptoms of this condition includes hair loss, having dandruff, skin lesions and scarring. 

     Many questions regarding this topic are being asked and one of it is that, Why is it that baldness or hair thinning is very common among men and not in women?

     Male baldness is the most common hair loss. This type of baldness is due to their genes and male hormones (testosterone). Their hair pattern follow a receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown area. Eventually their hair becomes finer, shorter, thinner and creates a U-shaped (horse-shoe shape). 

Treatment for hair loss includes medication such as:

1. Minoxidil (Rogaine)- It is a solution that are being apply in the scalp to stimulate the follicle and can promote hair growth. If this treatment is being stop, hair loss will then return to occur.

2. Finasteride (Proscar)- It is a pill that inhibit the production of testosterone, a hormone which greatly contribute in baldness among men. It also slows hair loss.

     Male baldness cannot be consider a disease. But if left untreated, it will affect one's self esteem and confidence. So before it gets worse, contact your doctor for more medical advice.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Gallbladder surgery- who are candidate for this?

      Gallbladder is only about 3 to 4 inches organ that is connected to the liver via the hepatic duct. Its main function is to store bile for the liver and transport it to small intestine whenever needed.The bile that stores in the gallbladder help in the emulsification of fats and at the same time acts as antioxidant that helps remove toxins from the liver.

      There are times that bile fluid inside the gallbladder become crystallize and harden which will the form a stones or known as gallstones. There are two types of gallstones:

 1. Pigment stones- These are kind of stones that smaller and darker because they contain bilirubin.

2. Cholesterol stones- Yellow-green in color, 80% of the content of stones are usually cholesterol.

Some of the risk factors of having gallstones are listed below:

- Obesity



-Cholesterol Drugs


- Rapid weight loss

Cholecystectomy is a surgical removal of the gallbladder. Patient who are indicated to undergo this procedure are those who had:

1. Symptomatic gallstones disease

2. Gallbladder cancer

3. Biliary tract cancer

      If you are diagnosed of having gallstones and may put your life at stake, better to undergo the procedure because late treatment could bring your life in danger. If you want to know more about this procedure, just click gallstones.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Herbs help a lot on digestion process

      Digestion process is a complicated activity that our digestive system perform everyday. Digestive system starts from our mouth and ends into our anus. The common problem in this system is indigestion, it is a feeling of being full, gassy and an acidic stomach.

      Herbal remedies really helps relieves digestive problems because they stimulate digestion, relax our system, expel  gas and helps soothe the inflammation and pain in our system.

      Herbs that helps in digestion process has specific category:

1. Laxatives- It helps aid in bowel evacuation and defecation. Some of its example are                                        dandelion and rhubarb root.

2. Anti-emetic- It helps avoid vomiting (Lavender and Peach leaves).

3. Anti-Spasmodic- It minimizes or totally relieves from cramps (Eucalyptus and Chamomille).

4. Carminative- Helps in smooth movement in our digestive system, reduces cramps (Aniseed                              and Cinnamon).

5. Hepatic- Stimulate the bile secretion from liver. Enhances the digestion and bowel                                      elimination (Wild yam and Black root)

      Imbalanced digestion could lead to nutrition deficiency and immune system dysfunction. If you want to get a good digestion, then choose to include herb in your nutritional list because according to the above discussion, it is very beneficial to us.